Friday, May 20, 2022

The Times, They Are Kind of Staying the Same

 One of the, probably permanent, changes in our lives from the pandemic is a deep freezer and a bookcase in the hall that's become a pantry. I just stocked it with a massive amount of pasta, since it looks like the war on Ukraine may make wheat prices go up. 

I got over feeling like I needed to save and use everything, but I'm still bulk buying toilet paper and kleenex (an indulgence, but we all have runny noses) and my husband brings home packages and packages of our kid's favorite foods. Worrying about being able to feed her, with her limited diet, was a huge fear.  One that was never realized -- the worst it got was her having to put up with homemade peanut butter cookies instead of chocolate -- but those fears stay with you.

I guess I'm thinking about fears, because my husband is flying to Germany tomorrow and I'm fucking terrified. 

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